FEL3, FEL2, & FEL 1 Design Services
Most process designs are prepared to set the foundation of the project, to get a rough estimate of costs, and to prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) that can be sent out to various detailed design or EPC companies chosen by the client for competitive bids. Our typical approach for this type of work is to split the project into three phases that will ultimately lead to a Basic Engineering Package that can be incorporated into an RFP. Of course, we are extremely flexible on our approach and will provide chemical engineering tasks that best meet your needs.
Preliminary Process Design Package Preparation (FEL-1)
Our Preliminary Process Design Packages have a goal of preparation of just enough process design information to develop a high level cost estimate. Typical deliverables consist of the following which can be customized to meet project requirements:
- Process Route Identification and Preliminary Process Design Basis
- Preliminary Heat and Material Balance
- Process Flow Diagrams
- Major Equipment List
- CAPEX (AACE Class 5 Accuracy)
Standard Process Design Package Preparation (FEL-2)
The goal of a Standard Process Design Packages is to more fully design the production process and to prepare a cost estimate with improved accuracy. Typical deliverables for this phase of the project consist of the following:
- Updated Heat and Material Balance / PFD as Required
- Process Description
- Preliminary Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams
- Controls Philosophy
- Equipment, Line & Instrument Lists
- Equipment and Instrument Spec Sheets, Process Design Level
- CAPEX (AACE Class 4 Accuracy)
Detailed Process Design Package and RFP Preparation (FEL-3)
Our Detailed Process Design Packages are designed to finalize information that will be used to prepare the technical portion of an RFP that is suitable to go to detailed design companies or EPC companies for competitive bids. Typical deliverables consist of the following:
- Final Process Design Basis
- Process Layout Sketch
- Process Design Philosophies
- Relief System Design Basis
- Relief Scenarios and Relief Device Sizing (as practical)
- Preliminary Quantification of Process Effluents and Emissions
- Design Level HAZOP
- Raw Material and Product Storage Identification
- List of potential EPC Companies with Notes following independent contact of each potential
- Preparation of Technical Portion of Request for Proposal (RFP)
Follow Up Services after RFP is Issued
After the RFP is issued, we continue to be involved with design projects and transition from a design role to more of a consulting role to protect the client’s best interests. After the RFP is issued we typically do the following:
- Help to answer technical questions from potential bidders
- Help potential financiers understand the project and how risks are being minimized
- Assist with evaluation of bid submissions
- Provide chemical engineering oversight and support during detailed design activities
- Perform process construction checks during construction activities
- Develop preliminary operating procedures
- Assist with the preparation of commissioning and startup plans
- Provide on-site support during commissioning and startup as practical
Simulation Software
Process Engineering International uses state of the art simulation software to help model and predict process behavior electronically. We have experts that are versed in the following simulation software platforms: