Process Safety and Risk Management
In effort to help our clients meet necessary quality and safety standards, Process provides process safety and risk management services for a wide range of process industries. We develop custom safety and risk management systems designed actively reduce process hazards to reduce the risk of unexpected process deviations that could lead to catastrophic events. Our extensive industry experience throughout the world enables us to deliver the ultimate process safety solutions for your operations.
HAZOPs / Process Hazard Assessment and Assessment
Process Engineering International provides HAZOP and assessment recommendations across a wide range of industries. Our process safety and risk management services are aimed at providing our clients fast and accurate results, ultimately reducing operational and occupational risks. Process hazard analyses commonly referred to as HAZOPs are an essential part of process safety and management.
Flare and Relief Device Services
Process Engineering International provides a full range of services relative to the sizing, verification, and modeling of Flare Systems and Pressure Safety Relief Devices (PSVs or PSRVs, Rupture Disks, Conservation Vents, etc.). Typical flare and relief services include:
- Perform site visit to gather required information and to identify any gaps that may be present in the data required.
- Generate all calculations and associated documentation for the sizing and selection of relief devices per API and/or ASME Code requirements for new or existing installations.
- Identification of and calculations for all credible scenarios, not just the controlling scenario
- Physical properties generated by process simulation models for each stream
- Performing pressure drop calculations for both inlet and outlet piping.
- Flare stack or vent stack sizing (height, diameter, tip configurations, etc.) to fall within API Code requirements. Flare manufacturers are also consulted to ensure the best available technology is included in the design. Knockout drums and blowdown systems are also designed and sized for each particular installation.
- Flare radiation calculations
- Generate all documentation needed to meet specific company requirements or best practices.
- Generate required relief device specifications (spec sheets)
- Construct a flare or vent header pressure drop simulation model using simulation software, including both inlet and outlet PSV piping configurations.
- Perform flare or vent header pressure drop evaluations for specific relief device combinations associated with global relief scenarios. These global scenarios are developed by working in conjunction with the client’s plant staff and PROCESS often spends additional time on-site to collect any missing information that may be needed.
Dust Hazard Analyses
At Process Engineering International, we provide our clients with efficient and effective process safety and risk management services for the proper management of process facilities. Many plants need to perform Dust Hazard Analyses (DHA) for systems that handle combustible dusts. Along with our HAZOPs, our dust hazard analysis service provides your facility with process safety management so that you can enhance overall safety of your processes. Our expertise has helped many clients across a range of process industries, including chemicals, metal and mineral processing, pharmaceuticals, and more. If you choose to work with us, our industry experts guide you through every step of the risk management process, and assist with the development of a proper safety strategy to implement within your operations.